Whats new or hot?
A fast paced 3-Button punch-game.
Play alone, with friends in private rooms or join a faction and play online with the whole world in this epic MMORPG.
Beautifully drawn artworks from the DACHstudio members for you to puzzle with free Drawings and DLC's to buy.
Games we made and / or published for various platforms.
Beautifully drawn artworks from the DACHstudio members for you to puzzle with free Drawings and DLC's to buy.
A fast paced 3-Button punch-game.
The extensive mod-guide for Last Stance.
Play alone, with friends in private rooms or join a faction and play online with the whole world in this epic MMORPG.
A pure hidden object game with lovely detailed artwork hand-drawn by JujiBla. Accompany our heroes Nita and Snek on their journey through the land, explore strange places and discover magical things.
Supporter DLC in case you want to support us even more (and/or want something to color ^^) 💖
A beautifully hand-drawn 2D platform adventure in which every day is not the same: There are some secret rules to this place which can change from day to day. So be cautious, it may be dangerous out there!
The new LP HIA HUA and drawings from Nachkriegsratten put together in a life negating jigsaw puzzle 🧩 experience.
27+ beautiful hand drawn 🎨🖼️ pussys 🐈 from JujiBla put together in a relaxing jigsaw puzzle 🧩 experience.
Draw (pixel) art with your Twitch chat. Ideal for creative and art streamer and/or for your pause screen.
Destroy the dam, or save the dam. Your choice.
Make progress on the next level of immersive simulation technology made in germany, the simulator games home.
As an engineer you have to manage a space station at the end of the known universe. Besides the normal operation and repair of a space station, you will face multiple dangers, like asteroids, space pirates, and anomalies out there. Are you the engineer we are looking for?
Gentlymad Labs - a microbe generator.
Generate your own microbe, share it with your friends and go "VIRAL"! Art by Megumi M.
habeamus, a card game for ending 2-4 friendships.
A little tale how we are slowly transitioning from Unity to Godot.
Our statement to Unity's price changes.
Our projects, that are not games. Unity assets, helpful tools and other side projects.
May or may not be based on a true love… life story.
Any similarities with real persons are purely coincidental and would be very sad.
The emote artists best friend. This tool is specifically designed to meet the emote artists needs. Also available as a free feature complete demo.
8 questions, 51 interviews with indie game developers from 31 different countries across the globe!
Subscribe to her empress Vanlau on Twitch, join the Bunniekingdom and get a Subbunnie drawn.
This is a replacement for the discontinued Unity launcher, available in the Unity Asset Store.
An interactive wind rose / compass drawn by Vanlau for Mit Vorteil to be used in their Twitch and YoutTube Pen&Paper play of Nichtmeer.
You can use it for free in your own Pen&Paper, to bring more life and interaction into your stream and role play.
Rights of Use Calculator for Artists. Approximate the worth of your work when used across different media and other copyright related conditions with this handy calculator. - Inspired by SpielmannSpiel
Frame calculator for artists if their animation has too many frames to draw in a timely manner.
The hand-drawn Archer from JujiBla as a 2.5D moveable, living card. Probably totally NOT inspired by the Harry Potter living paintings and trading cards.
Preserving the awesome
first aid git project.
A searchable collection of the most frequently asked Git questions
Preserving the awesome
99 Bottles of Beer - one program in 1500 variations
project. Perfect to compare how different programming languages work with the 99 Bottles of Beer song rather than a too simple "Hello World".