Last Stance Mod Manual Help

Fighter / Hero

Base Properties

  • fighterName

    • The name of the enemy

  • description

    • A short description

  • unlockCost

  • attackType

    • Defines the use of a pre-defined set of attack sounds. Pick one that matches the characters Weapon the most

    • Available attack-types:

      • punch

      • rapier

      • sword

      • axe

  • hp

    • Amount of hit-points the character has

  • attackPoints

    • How much damage does one hit make (reduces enemy HP by the given amount but not below 1)

  • timeToLive

    • How long you have without hitting an enemy

  • timeRecovery

    • How much time gets recovered by hitting an enemy

  • previewImageName

    • The file name of the preview image

    • SHOULD be square

      • needed for steam workshop

      • would be stretched otherwise

    • Can have transparency


All animations work the same (see Example: Fighter Nita for a full example).
All animations are a list of timePerFrame and frameNames, where a random animation is picked from, meaning there can be 1 or more animations from which is one randomly chosen per animation type.

  • idle

    • Idle animation

  • attacksOneSide

    • Attack animation

    • Is mirrored for the opposite direction

  • attacksDoubleSide

    • Attack animation when attacking both sides at the same time

  • death

    • Death animation

    • Stops at the last frame

  • timePerFrame

    • Time in seconds between frames

    • Can be 0 if there is only 1 Frame

    • See Times for examples

  • frameNames

    • List of frames

    • The file names of the frames

    • If there is only 1 frame then there is only 1 file name

{ "idle": [ { "timePerFrame": 0.52, "frameNames": [ "idle1.png" ] } ], "death": [ { "timePerFrame": 1.0, "frameNames": [ "death1.png", "death2.png", "death3.png", "death4.png" ] } ] }
Last modified: 11 August 2024