Last Stance Mod Manual Help


Every Layer can be Animated in a very primitive way via frame-animations.

Base Properties

  • sceneName

    • The name of the level

  • description

    • A short description

  • unlockCost

    • How much gold does the player have to pay to unlock this

    • 0 means it's free of charge and directly available

  • previewImageName

    • The file name of the preview image

    • SHOULD be square

      • needed for steam workshop

      • would be stretched otherwise

    • Can have transparency

  • biomes

    • a list of biomes names

    • empty list means allowing all enemy types

  • enemyDying

    • Re-colors dying enemies according to your color specifications matching your artwork.

  • enemyDead

    • Re-colors dead enemies according to your color specifications matching your artwork.


  • saturation

    • decimal in %

  • contrast

    • decimal in %

  • hue

    • decimal in %

  • color

    • html color code with leading #

{ "enemyDying": { "saturation": 1.0, "contrast": 0.3, "hue": 1.0, "color": "#a2c1b4" }, "enemyDead": { "saturation": 1.0, "contrast": 0.3, "hue": 1.0, "color": "#a2c1b4" } }


There are 6 base-layer with hard-coded layer indexes.
See Layer Breakdown for more details.

  • sky

  • background1

  • background2

  • background3

  • middleground

  • foreground

Layer Properties

  • timePerFrame

    • Time in seconds between frames

    • Can be 0 if there is only 1 Frame

    • See Times for examples

  • frameNames

    • The file names of the layer frames.

    • If there is only 1 frame then there is only 1 file name.

Advanced Properties

Not necessary for a level to work, but to improve its awesomeness.


A list of free-placeable animations.
A free animation is a static object that can be placed anywhere.
The free comes from freely placeable.

freeAnimations properties

A freely placeable, not moving animation element.

  • locationXY

    • Position in the scene

{ "locationXY": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.5 } }
{ "frameNames": [ "free_animation_1.png", "free_animation_2.png" ] }


Complex moving, animatable objects.

  • startLocationXY

  • endLocationXY

  • movementMode

    • The method of movement, available settings:

      • teleport

      • stop

      • backForth

  • movementSpeed

  • movementStartTime

    • Simulates the " time " that has passed on start

      • Makes an object start between startLocationXY and endLocationXY by simulating the time that "has passed"

  • flipX

    • Boolean if the sprite should be flipped on it's X axis when reaching its destination

  • flipY

    • Boolean if the sprite should be flipped on it's Y axis when reaching its destination

  • orderInLayer

  • timePerFrame

  • frameNames

    • List of frames

    • The file names of the frames

    • If there is only 1 frame then there is only 1 file name

  • frameNamesOnStop (optional)

    • The list of image names that are played when the movementMode stop is chosen

    • Can be 1 or more frames

    • Uses also timePerFrame

{ "frameNamesOnStop": [ "rocket_stoped_moving_object_stop.png" ] }

Example JSON Files

Some examples for the JSON files.
You can always look directly into the game files to see how "we" did it.


An absolute basic level file.

Dev-Test Level

Available on the Steam Workshop containing ALL features as an example.

Last modified: 11 August 2024